Soal Technical Sistem Analis - Part 2



happy to see you finally visit to this system analyst test! And i guess, some of you landed here after watch my video youtube, right? hihi Okay, lets we began! So, test ini di bagi menjadi 3 sesi, yaitu :

1. Query Test
2. Logical Reasoning Test [Here you are!]
3. Business Process Test

Jadi page ini akan berisi soalnya dulu ya, dan pembahasannya akan aku share di page berikutnya. So, coba kerjakan dulu semaksimal kamu sekarang!

Tunggu apa lagi, open your notepad / ms word/ paper and pen / etc.


[Sesi 2] Logical Reasoning Test

Multiple choice, Please attempt all 15 questions (in 30 minutes)

  1. If FRIEND is coded as HUMJTK, hoc CANDLE be written in that code?
    a. DEQJQM
    b. DCQHQK
    c. EDRIRL
    d. ESJFME

  2. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Whis is C?
    a. E's daughter
    b. F's father
    c. G's brother 
    d. A's son

  3. Brithis Airlaines departed last. KLM departed before SAS. SAS departed after United Airlines. United Airlines departed before KLM. American Airlines departed  after SAS. Which plane departed first?
    a. KLM
    b. SAS
    c. American Airlines
    d. United Airlines

  4. Lane wants to paint the floor in her large dining room. The room is rectangular and measures 9 feet on one side and 15 feet on the other. She need 0.5 ounces of paint per square foot. How much paint does she need?
    a. 47.5 ounces
    b. 27.5 ounces
    c. 67.5 ounces
    d. 12 ounces

  5. Marie walks 100 meters south, then 120 meters west, and 20 meters south again. She then walks 40 meters east before walking 60 meters north again. How far from her starting point is she now?
    a. 140
    b. 100
    c. 120
    d. 80

  6. Ben is rich but Jim is richer. Mike is poorer than Jim. Who is the richiest?
    a. Ben
    b. Jim
    c. Mike
    d. All are equally rich

  7. If one-third of one-fourth of a numbe is 12. the two-eight of that number is:
    a. 24
    b. 8
    c. 4
    d. 36

  8. A business jet is descending toward its destination. The jet left 35.000 feet at 09:20 and passed 17.500 feet at 09.34. The jet maintained a constant rate of descent until passing 17.500 feet. Where it increased the rate of descant by a factor of 4. When will the jet reach 2500 feet? 
    a. 09.36
    b. 09.38
    c. 09.42
    d. 09.40

  9. Find the odd one!
    a. Class : Students
    b. Sentence : Words
    c. Tree : Forest
    d. Hour : Minutes

  10. Look carefully for the patern, and then choose which pair of numbers comes next 
    28   25   5   21   18   5   14
    a. 11  5
    b. 10  7
    c. 11  8
    d. 6  10

  11. Spot is bigger than King and smaller than Sugar.
    Ralph is smaller than Sugar and bigger than Spot.
    King is bigger than Ralph

    If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
    a. True
    b. False
    c. Uncertain

  12. Find '?'

    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4

  13. Find '?'

    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4

  14. Look iat this series : F2, ... , D8 , C16, B32. What number should fill the blank?
    a. A16
    b. G4
    c. E4
    d. E3

  15. Five roommates Randy, Sally, Terry, Uma and Vernon each do one housekeeping task mopping, sweeping, laundry, vacumming or dusting one day a week, Monday through Friday.
    • Vernon does not vacumm and does not do his task on Tuesday
    • Sally does the dusting and does not fo it on Monday or Friday
    • The mopping is done on Thursday
    • Terry does his task, which is not vacumming on Wednesday
    • The laundry is done on Friday, and not by Uma
    • Randy does his task on Monday
        What day does Uma do her task?
        a. Monday

        b. Tuesday
        c. Wednesday
        d. Thursday
        e. Friday

[Sesi 3] Business Process

next pages, see you!✌



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